
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

  • This event has passed but will not be forgotten!
Film Works Alfresco presents:

La Misma Luna (Under the Same Moon)

June 24, 2019 @ 7:30 pm

Bring a blanket, watch a free movie, enjoy the evening!
Film Details — Dramatic Adventure in Spanish with English subtitles. (2007, USA). 
Run Time — 106 minutes

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Under the Same Moon tells the story of Rosario, an undocumented Mexican immigrant working in the U.S. with the hope of giving her son, Carlitos, a better life, while leaving him under the care of his grandmother. When all hope for a reunion in Mexico is lost, circumstances force Rosario and Carlos to each embark on their own journeys in a desperate attempt to reunite.

Along the way they meet many people, both benevolent and ill intended, and learn just how challenging it is to be alone and ever watchful for the authorities. They frequently have no choice but to rely on the kindness and mercy of strangers. Despite crises of faith in their choices, Carlitos and Rosario manage to never give up hope.

Pre-show musical performance by Frida’s Revenge at 7:30pm.  La Misma Luna screening at dusk.












This Film Works Alfresco screening is proudly presented by Beans and Vines.Beans and Vines

In the case of inclement weather, all Film Works Alfresco in Inwood Hill Park events will be moved indoors to Good Shepherd Auditorium at 620 Isham Street.  Stay tuned to our social media channels for venue updates the day of the event.


Gaelic Field, Inwood Hill Park
New York, NY + Google Map