
Check back regularly for more events in Inwood and be sure to spread the word about those you’re interested in attending. The more people we can get to these events, the more exposure local artists will get — something that’s always our goal. Unless otherwise noted, events are free.

Stage Works presents:

2025 Good Shepherd Fish Fry

Friday, March 28 @ 7:00 pm

$10-25 Get Tickets

Knights of Columbus – St. Joseph’s Council #443 and Inwood Art Works present

Good Shepherd Fish Fry

Friday, March 28, 7-9pm
Good Shepherd School – 620 Isham St.

$10 Children / $20 for Adults through March 23, $25 thereafter

$15 “Takeout Box” option. Must place order by March 26 at 5pm. Pick-up only from 6-6:30pm.

Includes Fried Fish, French Fries, Coleslaw, Cornbread.

Cash Bar & Delicious Assorted Desserts Available a la carte.

Get tickets online and at the Good Shepherd Rectory – 212-567-1300


St. Joseph Council 443 y Inwood Art Works presentan

Freiduría de Pescado

Viernes 28 de Marzo, 7pm-9pm

Escuela Buen Pastor- 620 Isham St.

$ 10 niños / $ 20 adultos hasta el 23 de Marzo, $ 25 a partir de entonces

$15 “Caja para llevar” Debe hacer el pedido antes del 26 de Marzo a las 17 horas. Sólo se puede recoger 6-6:30pm

Incluye pescado frito, patatas fritas, ensalada de col y pan de maíz.

Bebidas a la venta y postres surtidos

Obtenga boletos en línea o llamando a la rectoría de Good Shepherd – 212-567-1300

Todo lo recaudado es en beneficio la escuela Good Shepherd


Good Shepherd School
620 Isham Street, New York, NY 10034 + Google Map