Architectural Art Works by Leonard Cicio

See dynamic, colorful paintings of the subways of NYC and the architecture of Northern Manhattan, including Inwood and Washington Heights, in a new light — projected at the Buddha Taco Bar every evening from 8pm-12am through November 3.

Join us for an artist reception with Leonard Cicio on Friday, October 4 from 8-10pm at Buddha Taco Bar to learn more about Leonard’s art and inspiration.

*Projection times may vary at the discretion of the management.

Artist Statement

My background in textile design, helps me see patterns and textures, in the landscapes and architectural subjects I draw.  Living over 20 years at Inwood Park, I found a rich primal and supernatural quality in its landscapes, which I’ve explored with mixed mediums of colored pencils and oil pastels. I intermix these to achieve a detailed surrealistic vista.

I’m increasingly drawn to the architectural structures of NYC and Europe, with its powerful blend of dramatic, gothic and sensuous qualities.  Both the man-made subways and landscapes of nature, hold intricately woven patterns, filled with myriad details.  My goal is to make an analytical study, showing a deeper, more supernatural vision behind our natural world.  The Creator stamped the color of love into the life, movement and power of His creations.

My influences include Vincent Van Gogh, with his use of strong vibrant colors, Georgia O’ Keefe, in breaking things down to their bare essence, and Lyonel Feininger’s towering architectural forms, aspects of which often appear to be viewed through cut-glass, or stained glass windows, highlighted by the sun.

For more information and inquiries visit and check out @lencicio on Instagram

Curated by Inwood Art Works.