Knights of Columbus – St. Joseph’s Council #443 and Inwood Art Works present the Good Shepherd Fish Fry, marking the end of Lent on Good Friday, which this year is Friday, April 3.
The price ($5 Children, $15 for Adults through March 29, $20 thereafter) includes appetizer & entree, There is also a cash Bar & delicious assorted deserts available, plus a 50/50 raffle! All proceeds benefit the Children’s Scholarship Fund of Good Shepherd
Get tickets at and at the Good Shepherd Rectory (212-567-1300)
St. Joseph Council 443 y Inwood Art Works presentan Freiduría de Pescado, viernes 3 de Abril 7 pm-9pm.
El precio ($5 niños, $15 adultos hasta el 23 de marzo, $20 a partir de entonces) incluye aperitivos y plato fuerte.
Bebidas a la venta y postres surtidos, y una rifa de 50/50. Todo lo recaudado es en beneficio del fondo de becas de la escuela Good Shepherd
Obtenga boletos en o llamando a la rectoría de Good Shepherd (212-567-1300)