Vámanos! Let’s All Go to the Lobby! A Collection by Jesse Hove

Never mind the movies, there’s also art to be found in the lobbies of movie theaters, as artist Jesse Hove discovered when searching for some historical inspiration. The resulting works will be projected from 8pm to midnight through March 1.

Artist Statement

I was on the hunt for interesting old scraps of history and these Spanish-language cinema lobby cards were love at first sight.

They promise everything we love about going to the movies: mystery, intrigue, romance, violence, and laughter. There are good guys and bad guys and beautiful women. Sharks and cockfights and mariachis.

I haven’t seen any of these films (except EL PATÁN). Whether or not the movies are any good, the advertisements are spectacular.

jessehovephotography.tumblr.com | @jessehoveUSA

Curated by Inwood Art Works.  Projection times may vary at the discretion of the management.